Dustin Inman: Visual Artist
Email : mangocats@gmail.com
Website : www.mangocats.com/SuperDustin
Dustin is 18 years old and lives in Jacksonville. He is differently-abled through the Autism spectrum, with a strong interest in movies.

Timothy Jarvis: Visual Artist
Email : tjpotter37@yahoo.com
While the ancient art of pottery began thousands of years ago, my own journey began more recently, when I formed my first pot in 1978 at the young age of 13. The feeling of the clay in my hands continues to enthrall me to this day. Through many personal achievements and failures, as well as the tutelage of several raku masters, with special individual thanks to Charles & Linda Riggs, I’ve discovered magic in its most elemental and purest form. I continue to enjoy my explorations of the ever changing mysteries of low fire pottery.

Keesha Jimenez: Visual Artist
Email : kloraineartwork@gmail.com
Website: www.kloraineartwork.wixsite.com/kloraineartwork
am a Puerto Rican native traditional artist living in Tampa, Florida. I have studied art for over fifteen years beginning in high school. I graduated in 2009 as a visual arts major at Howard W. Blake, Sr. High magnet program in Tampa, Florida. It was here that I became inspired by artists like Edgar Degas, Francisco de Goya, Georgia O'Keeffe and Frida Kahlo for their expressive storytelling in their artwork. My primary focus is women, flowers, and landscape. I am well-rounded in different art techniques; but I paint, draw, and sculpt experimenting with multiple materials.
I graduated from the University of South Florida in December 2014 with a bachelor's degree in Studio Art. I concentrated on building my portfolio and began exhibiting around the Tampa Bay area after graduating. I collaborated with Coalition of Hispanic Artists and The Thornhill Foundation for the Arts and joined in several of their painting competitions from 2015 to 2017. I returned to the University of South Florida, where I graduated with a bachelor's degree in Art History and Psychology in May 2020. With these new degrees, my goal would lead me to becoming an art therapist for PTSD in military veterans and children.
With the risk of the Coronavirus-19, I adapted by streaming my artwork on Twitch when exhibitions were out of the question. I have fun creating new traditional creative content and learning how to expand my artwork with digital art. As someone with cerebral palsy, art has helped me therapeutically both physically and psychologically. Art of all forms can draw out the best and
worst of a person, but it is a safe outlet for anyone to express their emotions. Being able to share my artwork on Twitch gives me the opportunity to experience those emotions with everyone.

Romona Johnson: Visual Artist
Email : moniemona@msn.com
Since age 6 Romona, a New Jerseyan, has been an artist. She often recalls her mother and grandmother encouraging her to keep painting saying, “you have a gift”. When other kids were getting fancy stuff for birthdays and holidays--little Romona wanted paint. It seems, she says, “I just believed that I shared the same talent for creating beauty that I saw in the museums and galleries”.
Traveling throughout the U.S. has also deeply imprinted Romona’s style. Her creations reflect the beauty and elegance of a world only she is privy to—some of her portraits are colorful and jovial while others a bit stoic and somber. Even her greeting cards reflect a simple yet profound brilliance for the serene way she accepts life.
With an unapologetic style and unique technique, Ms. Johnson transcends traditional artistry by incorporating recycling materials as tools for her award winning creations.

David Khalil: Visual Artist
Email : mosaicartz@aol.com
Website : www.mosaicarts.itgo.com
David Khalil is a mosaic artist, who has passion for mosaic arts since 1979 and teaching mosaics since 1997. David is specialized in custom design, fabrication, installation of mosaics for interior and exterior, residential, and commercial. David loves teaching mosaics for able, disabled, kids-at-risk, and disadvantaged, too. David is insured and licensed to teach mosaics as a rewording trade or a cool hobby.
Teaching mosaics benefits' summary:
a) Learn sciences and math, education, and life skills.
b) Learn a trade and secure their future.
c) Enhance their imagination, knowledge, motivation, self-esteem, and culture.
d) Increase their positive thinking, behavior, and bring them back to the bright life.
e) Heal their anger, loneliness, stress, depress, and sadness.
Please visit web sites: http://www.mosaicarts.itgo.com. and

Cheryl Kinderknecht : Visual Artist
Email : chkinderknecht@verizon.net
Cheryl H. Kinderknecht is a painter, mixed media artist and former gallery owner who also happens to have a significant visual impairment secondary to retinitis pigmentosa. Her formal art training includes an art degree from Fort Hays (KS) State University.

Katherine Kovacs : Visual Artist
Email : sunshinekat76@aol.com
I love to paint and draw and create. I'm Katherine and I have a learning disability.

Susan Stemple Kubes : Visual Artist
Email : susan_kubes@yahoo.com
Website : www.artlifting.com/collections/susan-stemple-kubes
Susan is a Florida native with a lifelong passion for painting Florida's natural beauty. She works in oil, acrylic, watercolor, ink, pastels, encaustic wax, and other media. Her art takes many directions. Susan is now working in abstracts on canvas and paper and also working on ostrich and emu eggs, and on gourds. Susan has a studio in Largo, FL where she teaches classes in oil and acrylic. She has been a VSAFL Registry member for 5 years, and with their help and encouragement has been able to grow as a professional artist and take advantage of many amazing opportunities while representing and promoting VSAFL.

Theodore Leeks : Visual Artist
Email : tleeks2909@gmail.com
Theodore Leeks started drawing in 1963, in high school and can draw anything.
"In order to define art, it is necessary first of all, to cease to consider it as a means to pleasure and to consider it as a condition of human life" - Leo Tolstoy

Robert Lia : Visual Artist
Email : robertlia935@gmail.com
Robert is 21 years old and loves photography. He started the art of photography while hiking in Tennessee. Robert started with his phone and has now upgraded to a camera.

Carol Lore : Visual Artist
Email : carolnyusiness@gmail.com
Website : www.clore4art.com
Carol Lore is a mixed media artist who was born and raised in New York. Starting early on with simple line drawings often compared to John Lennon, Carol has developed her craft through art classes and studying various artists such as Basquiat, Rothko and Dali. Carol's work has been displayed at deseo studio, the treasure Island art Guilt; where she won first place for her acrylic
on canvas, "Lips" and various venues in downtown St Pete. Her work has also been used as cover art by Dark Horse Publishing LLC.
Carol is now teaching art classes in Gulfport Senior center, Pinellas Park in St Petersburg Florida while continuing to paint and experiment with new techniques to include with future products.

Tina Lore : Literary Artist
Email : tinamariehansen@yahoo.com
Website : www.writeliving.wixsite.com/mysite
Tinamarie was born and raised in New York. She holds a BA in Creative Writing from Eckerd College and an MFA in Creative Writing from The University of Tampa. She's the recipient of St. Petersburg College's Karen Pelz Writing Award, where she won 1st place for her poem, "As I Remember" and 3rd place for her short story, "The End." Her poem, "Poetry Comes and Goes" was published by The Eckerd Review in 2015. Her work is also included in, Florida's Best Emerging Poets (2018). Tinamarie had the pleasure of editing a book of poetry published by, Dark Horse Florida Publishing LLC, titled, Junky (2018). She's had four plays produced by The Gulfport Community Players, winning Best Original Writing and Best Production for her play, "Buying Back Brooklyn." She recently (2018) directed, "The M Word" for the Gulfport Community Player's Writers Group. She also wrote a one-act play, "As it is in Heaven" which was included during GCPWG night of one acts. When Tinamarie is not writing or directing, she tutors children in reading and teaches older adults computer science.

Austin Lubetkin : Visual Artist
Email : bocaaust@gmail.com
Website : www.bocaaust.com
As a child, my autism prevented me from communicating through traditional means until my mother used her experience in art therapy to open my eyes to all the world has to offer. Today I'm confident in my artistic abilities and have grown into an adult who uses his synesthesia, autism, and emotions to create unique and expressive pieces. My self-taught technique involves making many small paintings which I scan into the computer and combine in Photoshop to create pieces that are truly unique. Overall, I communicate my feelings through my color choices utilizing my synesthesia which involves a link between my emotions and colors. During difficult times in my life, art was always there for me and it has become a therapeutic means to express my inner voice. I frequently try to give back to the community through my artistic involvement in charities like JDRF and Artists With Autism as part of my mission statement which is that I intend to make a difference in the world by being an artist.

Wayne MacLaughlin : Visual Artist
Email : w_maclaughlin@yahoo.com
Through an art therapy class, Wayne started painting in watercolors then expanding into acrylics. His artwork can at times be quite funny (like climbing a mountain of ice cream). As a Parkinson's patient he is a real mover and a shaker.

Nova "V" Mahoney: Visual Artist
Email : voidstarzart@gmail.com
Website : www.voidstarz.art
My name is NOVA (my fans call me V) and I'm a Digital Artist & Content Creator who copes with Autism, Anxiety, Social Phobia, and Fibromyalgia. I was bullied in high school due to my Autism and art helped me cope. Since 2019 I have been the Youth Advisor for the XP Crunch Podcast Show called Mindful Gaming: Mental Health RoundTable Committee where I attend and speak at national Mental Health Conferences and Geek Conventions on Artwork and Autism. Currently I illustrate and animate my original characters and comics, while writing creative storylines for my own
publications as well as a creative venture with my mother on several podcasts and . My complete passion lies in strange and quirky character designs with dark and unusual story telling.
Briana Cahen Martins: Literary Artist
Email : Briana12x@icloud.com
I am an aspiring artist that enjoys coloring, acting, painting, sketching, writing, film-directing, editing and drawing.

Sara May : Visual Artist
Email : saralynnmay@yahoo.com
Website : www.msmouthpaintings.com
Welcome to my new creative outlet after being disabled by Progressive Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis over 7 years ago. Having always been a creative person, when my hands started to fail me, I was devastated. I heard about quadriplegic's painting by holding the paint brush in their mouth, but I was hesitant to try. I haven't seriously painted in nearly 30 years by hand so I was skeptical to try it by mouth. It took me a few months to get the courage to start. I knew it would be a challenge, but with all setbacks with MS, I didn't want to be discouraged again. Thanks to my friends and family for the support I will continue to paint. Some paintings are much better than others as I get better each day. Thank you for viewing.

Geneveve Meza : Visual Artist
Email : ycortes@macdonaldcenter.org
I love the vibrant colors in all the pieces of my art.

Adorable Monique : Visual Artist
Email : art.adorablemonique@gmail.com

Emily K. Michael : Literary Artist
Email : emily.k.michael@gmail.com
Website : emilykmichael.com
Emily K. Michael is a blind poet, musician, and writing instructor from Jacksonville, FL. Her poetry and essays have appeared in Wordgathering, Nine Mile Magazine, The Deaf Poets Society, Rogue Agent, AWP Writer’s Notebook, BREVITY’s Nonfiction Blog, and The South Carolina Review. Emily writes about disability, ecology, and music. Emily’s first book Neoteny: Poems is forthcoming from Finishing Line Press.

Asani Nolan : Visual Artist
Email : sandirodman@icloud.com
I have been in programs for the disabled since I was eligible. I live in a group home. People have difficulty understanding my words.

Juliana (Jewels) Pace : Visual Artist
Email : juliana.pace@gmail.com
Website : www.etsy.com/shop/julianap
I'm a happily married Christian artist & author! Most of my artwork is inspired by our Creator's Complexity in that He created each one of us so unfathomable that one has to look many times over to see every aspect of each person! I've crafted as long as I can remember. My Grandpa bought my first piece when I was 10, telling me that good art should be paid for! But, I just presented myself to the world as an artist in 2004!

Zofia Perez: Visual Artist
Email : mysensoryartbyzofia@gmail.com
Website : www.mysensoryart.com
Zofia Amie Perez, aka Lady ZAP, is a multi-sensory artist, entrepreneur, public speaker, actress, self-advocate, and brand influencer. She has created art since childhood and enjoys art's therapeutic and expressive aspects. Perez credits Florida's colorful and tropical landscape as significantly influential in her multisensory, textured, and natural art. "I have been blessed with Down syndrome and Autism, which are important parts of who I am and how I understand the world around me. Sometimes, being able to express my work as an artist is challenging for me. Thankfully, I recollect the beautiful things I experience in nature and communicate them in my art, which speaks for itself. There is more I want to do with my life. I dream of traveling the world, meeting new people, and hope to #sharehappy with my story."

Sonel Pierre : Performance Artist
Email : sonelpierreactor@icloud.com
Website :https://www.sosooneinc.com
My name is Sonel Pierre I'm 30 year old and I'm aspiring actor, writer and producer with cerebral palsy and I have been interested to become an actor for a long long time.

Aarushi Pratap : Fashion Artist
Email : aarushi.pratap@gmail.com
Website :aarushipratap.wixsite.com/designandsewing
pratapaarushi.wixsite.com/aartarooni ;
I am a visual artist and fashion designer, and I am on the autism spectrum. I believe that the world will be richer, more dynamic and more compassionate if we give space to diverse ideas and competencies. The neuro-diverse population and specifically people with autism have so much to offer the world. As a person with autism I struggle with words. My art is my language and it gives me my voice. Creating, whether it is wearable art or illustrations, or jewelry or paintings gives me purpose. It helps me see the world and helps me show the world how I think and what I believe. Art helps me think, communicate, and be calm, happy and joyful!
Some of the work I have been involved in includes –
- Designing the logo for the 2022 Special Olympics USA Games along with 8 other artists from across the US. https://video.foxnews.com/v/6070414951001#sp=show-clips and https://www.specialolympics.org/about/press-releases/special-olympics-athletes-unite-to-inspire-and-design-2022-special-olympics-usa-games-logo
- Auctioning bespoke dresses for Special Olympics Fundraisers
- Clothing alterations and bespoke clothing
- Etsy shop https://www.etsy.com/shop/Aartarooni
Renee Proctor: Visual Artist
Email : rfproctor@hotmail.com
Website : itzykittydesigns@facebook.com
I am passionate about creating. Learning to view the world around us in different ways is what art means to me. Each one of us can try to capture the color in the sky, however we each see just a little differently. It's that viewpoint that makes each painting or each creation that we do uniquely ours. And learning to express the appreciation of the love of that art that is special.
The mediums I work with is varied. I might paint on leave. Or I might use a found object around me -Just let's be creative and see what we can do

Luisa Pulido : Visual Artist
Email : meinestudio@yahoo.com
Website : www.luisapulido.com
At a very young age, I recall every day being in my parent's office, New World Magazine, where my father did his graphic arts. There was always an appreciation for the arts and visual expression. My parents understood this and gave me all the materials I needed. I drew, used watercolors, and painted coloring books as I explored my creativity and cultivated another language for myself.
I believe my family played a role in influencing me and encouraging me to pursue my artistic goals. Growing up and watching my uncles sculpt or my father air-brushing and then witnessing the results evolve in front of my eyes. It awakened a passion in my heart that made me the dedicated artist that I am today. As I grew older and learned about art, I became inspired by popular works of art leaving a deep impression on me. Traveling has also given me a broader perspective as to what it is I want to express in my paintings.
I would say that my desire to express myself is what mostly inspires my artwork. Life itself is a fountain of inspiration and ideas. As I prepare to start on a new piece, my imagination gets a powerful spark and my studio fill with this unbelievable excitement which makes each work mystical and magical, yet fulfills me with total freedom.

Angelina Rappa : Visual Artist
Email : rappaa03@gmail.com
Website : www.angelinadimaria.art
Angelina Rappa is a fine arts student attending Cornell University. Angelina is experimenting with many media to explore the human experience in novel and exciting ways. She is dedicated to producing truthful work and encourages personal reflection ro her viewers.

Thomas Edison Reaves III : Visual Artist
Email : edisonart505@gmail.com
Member of VSA, MS for 10 years; Featured in One Man Show, Jackson Arts Center, Jackson, MS; Participated in numerous VSA Art Shows, Benefit Auctions and Festivals; Won Mayor's Choice Award, City Hall Show, New Port Richey, 2016; Have paintings in Community Banks of Germantown, TN, MS Arts Commission, MS Library Commission, MS Arts Council; and in the home of a former MS Governor. Participating Artist at Jackson Square, New Orleans for one year. I focus on heavily textured contemporary paintings and work on handwoven canvas. I also am a wildlife photographer.

Emely Reyes : Performing Artist
Email : emely.reyes719@gmail.com
Website : https://youtube.com/channel/UCIyQWivZnOcxmcek4KjFaCA
My name is Emely Reyes. My family is from Puerto Rico, I was born in New Jersey, then moved to florida to attend the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind in 2009. I am visually impaired. I graduated high school in 2017 from the blind high school, then I attended a small Christian college in North east Georgia called Toccoa Falls College where I received my bachelors of music in 2021. My major was music performance with a voice concentration and a minor in Bible and theology. Musically, I studied opera, classical art songs and sacred music. I am currently a voice teacher at the Blind Elementary, middle and high school at FSDB. Although I do love to teach, performing is my passion. I love to sing opera, sacred music like spirituals, hymns and gospel, R&B, Jazz and last but not least, Christmas music. I do not know where I would be without God and music. personally, music is the best way I feel that I can express myself and worship my Lord and Savior.

Addie Rodriguez : Visual Artist
Email : justaddie26@gmail.com
Addie is a mixed media artist with a particular interest in 2D collage and 3D assemblage. Her formal training stems from fashion illustration and design. Addie continues to use shapes and colors as inspiration for any new creation.

Finn Rodriguez : Visual Artist
Email : finndigitalarts@gmail.com
Finn Rodriguez is an emerging, disabled, LGBTQ+ and Latinx artist. They enjoy working on digital art and many of their art pieces express themes of community, positivity, diversity, and pride in who you are.

Jason Rosenstock : Visual Artist
Email : jrosensock76@comcast.net
Website : www.jmarlinart.com
My name is Jason Rosenstock. I live in Fort Lauderdale, Fl. I am a physically disabled visual artist. I started to paint while attending middle school in Virginia Beach, Va. Painting allowed me to channel my positive energy and provided me an outlet to express myself in ways that I was unable to in other aspects of my life. My teachers in high school and college were inspirations for me. They noticed my talent for painting and encouraged me to continue, and with their guidance I learned many styles and techniques. Today I continue to study art at The Fat Village Center For The Arts in Fort Lauderdale. I have learned many new techniques working with the teachers there and my work has immensely improved. Painting helps me to relax and allows me to focus my energy in a fulfilling way. When I begin a new painting it is like having a goal to work towards. Many times the end result of a painting is a surprise to me. After spending so much time and energy on a project it is often hard to envision what the end result will be. I enjoy watching the progression of a painting from start to finish, seeing the layers build up and the objects take shape is truly satisfying. I often feel like a long journey is ending when I get close to finishing a painting, and many times I'm not ready to move on to something else right away.